Testosterone treatments Moreno Valley, CA

Introduction to Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a vital role in men's health. As men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, leading to symptoms like low energy, decreased muscle mass, weight gain, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and mood changes. This condition is known as hypogonadism or low testosterone (low T).

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help restore testosterone levels and relieve symptoms of low T. TRT is available in several forms including injections, gels, patches and pills. Testosterone therapy is an effective treatment option for men over 30 with clinically low testosterone levels.

TRT should only be prescribed after a clinical diagnosis of low T. This involves a physical exam and blood tests to check total and free testosterone levels. Treatment is customized to the patient's needs and goals. Regular follow-up and lab testing is important to monitor progress and adjust dosage.

Below is an overview of testosterone therapy and how it may help men in Moreno Valley experiencing the effects of declining testosterone.

Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Restoring testosterone levels with TRT offers a wide range of benefits:

For men experiencing bothersome symptoms of low T, testosterone therapy can help get back to feeling like their old selves again.

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Who is a Candidate for TRT?

Men who have clinically low testosterone levels along with symptoms of low T are candidates for testosterone replacement therapy.

The Endocrine Society's guidelines recommend TRT for men with repeated early morning total testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL and symptoms of low T. However, some men may benefit from TRT at levels between 300-400 ng/dL based on symptoms and risk factors.

Common symptoms of low testosterone include:

Risk factors that increase likelihood of low T:

Diagnosing low testosterone involves:

TRT is appropriate for healthy men over age 30 with clinical hypogonadism to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Testosterone Replacement Options

There are several delivery methods for testosterone replacement therapy. The pros and cons of each option are explained below:

Injectable Testosterone

Testosterone injections, such as testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate, are administered intramuscularly into the buttocks, thighs or deltoid. Injections are given weekly or every 2 weeks.



Transdermal Testosterone Gels

Testosterone gels (Androgel, Testim, etc) are applied daily to skin of shoulders, upper arms or abdomen. Testosterone absorbs through the skin into the bloodstream.



Testosterone Patches

Testosterone patches, such as Androderm, are applied daily to the skin. Patches continuously release testosterone through the skin into the circulation.



Buccal Testosterone

Buccal testosterone, such as Striant, is a tablet that sticks to gums above incisor teeth twice daily. Testosterone absorbs into the bloodstream through gum tissues.



Sublingual Testosterone

Sublingual tablets, like VersaTest, are placed under the tongue to allow testosterone absorption directly into the bloodstream.



Oral Testosterone Capsules

Oral testosterone capsules (testosterone undecanoate) provide an oral route of administration. However, oral testosterone has very low bioavailability due to extensive first-pass liver metabolism.



Among the options above, injectable and transdermal testosterone tend to be preferred due to better efficacy in elevating testosterone levels. The route of administration can be tailored to the patient's preference.

Interesting fact

While testosterone therapy is often associated with increased aggression, a 2017 study found it actually decreased aggressive behaviors in transgender men undergoing hormone treatment. Researchers believe this is because the treatment helps alleviate gender dysphoria and improves mood.

Starting Testosterone Replacement Therapy

The process for starting testosterone replacement therapy typically involves:

Initial Testing and Evaluation

Determine Administration Method

Prescribe Starting Dose

Follow-Up Testing and Monitoring

Ongoing Management

The testosterone dose is titrated to achieve testosterone levels in the mid-normal range and improve symptoms, while minimizing side effects. Treatment is managed long-term to sustain testosterone levels and benefits over time.

Take the first step and schedule a consultation!

Benefits of TRT at The Hormone Hub Moreno Valley

The The Hormone Hub hormone clinic in Moreno Valley provides cutting-edge testosterone therapy tailored to your unique health needs. Patients receive high quality care and enjoy many benefits when treated at our Moreno Valley hormone clinic:

With the proven expertise of The Hormone Hub, men in Moreno Valley can overcome low testosterone and regain their vitality.

TRT Lifestyle Recommendations

Certain lifestyle measures can help optimize testosterone replacement therapy results:

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits helps you get the most out of testosterone therapy while also providing overall health and wellbeing benefits.

Local Resources to Support Your TRT Journey

Moreno Valley offers many helpful resources to support you on your testosterone treatment journey:

Fitness Centers

Hiking Trails

Healthy Dining

Relaxation Spots

Moreno Valley's scenic trails, gyms, healthy eateries and spas help support your testosterone therapy goals and overall wellbeing.

The Ideal Time for TRT in Moreno Valley

Moreno Valley enjoys a climate of sunny, dry days with moderate winters. This makes it a comfortable location year-round for testosterone replacement therapy.

The sunny weather helps maintain healthy vitamin D levels, which supports testosterone production. The area sees over 260 sunny days per year on average.

Moreno Valley's mild winters allow for consistent outdoor exercise to build strength and burn fat. The average high stays above 65°F even in December and January.

The low humidity provides comfortable conditions for testosterone gels, patches and pellets. Sweating is less likely to disrupt adherence.

Moreno Valley's dry climate reduces risk of skin irritation that can occur with topical testosterone. Humidity and sweating can worsen skin reactions.

Spring and fall tend to be optimal times to initiate TRT since the weather is conducive to regular exercise and outdoor activities that enhance results. However, TRT can be started successfully year-round in Moreno Valley.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone in Moreno Valley

If struggling with symptoms of low testosterone, there are local resources in Moreno Valley to help with testing and diagnosis:

Don't hesitate to get tested if experiencing low energy, low libido, erectile dysfunction, or other hypogonadism symptoms. Identifying and addressing low testosterone is key to regaining optimal health and vitality.

Causes of Low Testosterone

There are several potential causes for low testosterone levels in men:

Diagnosing the underlying cause of low testosterone allows for proper treatment. TRT may help alleviate low T symptoms when production can't be restored naturally.

The Testosterone Testing Process

Diagnosing low testosterone starts with thorough lab testing. Here is an overview of the testosterone testing process:

Repeat morning blood tests give the most accurate picture. Testosterone naturally peaks in the morning. Evaluation of symptoms and risk factors also guides diagnosis of low T.

How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Works

Testosterone therapy works by restoring testosterone levels back to a healthy, youthful range between 500-800 ng/dL. This relieves low T symptoms and provides a wide range of benefits.

There are a few key mechanisms by which testosterone replacement alleviates hypogonadism:

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